Advanced ART Course for Clinicians

Advanced ART Course for Clinicians

An opportunity for “Hands-on Training”

Courses in the program allow you to develop and refine your clinical skills. Emphasis is placed on the most up-to-date standards of practice, patient safety, evidence-based recommendations, and formative assessment.Designed by frontline experts in the fields of critical care ultrasonography, bronchoscopy, airways management, mechanical ventilation, and critical care management, programs are supported with published results in improving learner performance.

  • To impart in-depth elucidation of all aspects of an IVF cycle including pre-treatment evaluation and testing, keeping in mind the ethical and economic implications of the treatment.
  • Avail the opportunity to observe various treatment procedures both through live video feed and visits to the clinic and operating room for ultrasound scans, oocyte recovery and embryo transfer.
  • The course is ideal for both beginners and established IVF practitioners in the IVF field who are looking to further enhance their skills.

  • Doctors specialized in Obstetrics and Gynecology with a minimum experience of 3 years in dealing with infertility issues.
  • Physicians familiar with OI (Ovulation Induction) & IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination) procedures using stimulation with gonadotropins.
  • Experience in trans-vaginal ultrasound for follicular tracking.
Unique Training

We are here to help you optimize the clinical decisions you make, so we connect you to the most forward-looking programs in clinical medical education. We designed the Advanced Clinical Training program to provide:

  • Unparalleled simulation education techniques, immersing you in real-time, real-world situations. You become skilled and confident making critical decisions.
  • Practical education for use in daily practice. Put relevant, newly acquired skills into action right away.
  • Ongoing, customized, and detailed feedback from premier practitioners in your field.
  • Educational opportunities for every level of your profession.